Worship of money and war: religions of 20th century

13 min readAug 11, 2022
Worship of money and war: religions of 20th century
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

In the last 300 years, we have seen growing secularism, and religions have become less beneficial and essential in today’s decisions.

Just like the advent of Islam and Christianity, Judaism bought an end to polytheism and animism.

Similarly, monotheism is also considered old-dated, especially in the secular and liberal worlds.

What is Religion?

Photo by Masjid Pogung Dalangan on Unsplash

If you google it, you’ll find,

“The believe in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or Gods.”


“Religion can thus be defined as a system of human norms and values that is founded on a belief in a superhuman order.”

By definition, any order or belief believed to be superhuman and divine, which is suitable for all, is said to be religion.

Such as Buddhism also gives little importance to gods but more to human-divine laws found by Siddhartha Gautama.

When it comes to ideologies, social movements, and ethical ideals, these ideologies have been ascertained to be heaven for one group and hell for another.

Communists believe in divine laws found by Karl Marx, Vladimir Ilyich Lynn, and Friedrich Engels. The rules are helpful for all humanity and should be propagated worldwide, just like in the USSR.

Capitalists believe in the divine laws of liberalism, the Free market economy founded by Adam Smith. And Europeans such as Americans and Britishers found it meaningful and worthy of spreading throughout the world.

Liberalism is derived from the Latin word liber means free; it was founded by John Locke, who believed in divine laws and superhuman order based on free will, individualism, and human rights.

Even if it means conspiring against others’ free will.

Nationalism emerged from British 20th-century expeditions and has a devout following even more extreme than religions. The legacy of nationalism is all about clowns seeking prestige and power and neglecting the individuality of people of other countries and cultures.

I don’t intend to offend nationalists out there, but let’s be real, the cult of nationalist followers has made it inseparable from allegiance to militarism to attain the government goals; it demands fanatical support and an unquestionable silence from the nation.

Devout American nationalists fulfill their duty of governing a superpower even if it means demolition of others’ nationality.

Then aren’t all these religions? In the views of some social scientists, they are.

Co-Existence of These ideologies and Religions

Photo by James Genchi on Unsplash

Just like polytheism existed even after the full influence of monotheism, such as Taoism, Shenism, and Hinduism (even flourishing), the same as monotheist religion, flourished more under these concepts.

For example, Buddhists feel no shame or prohibition in believing in Hindu deities, and A typical American who believes in the free market economy and human rights is a Christian also; a Pakistani Muslim can be a socialist and capitalist.

However, the existence of these ideologies cannot be explained without the explanation of Monotheist religions. Liberalism and human rights cannot be explained without the Christine concept of every individual soul’s relation to its god.

The existence of individualism cannot be explained without the concept derived from Muslims, the man’s soul relation with his god and to fear no one except Allah Almighty.

For the greater good

Image by Pixabay

I don’t deny that these ideologies are derived from the social concept. And it’s interesting to notice how all these ideologies have all the characteristics of RELIGIONS.

While each one of these was believed to propagate peace and development, however, hardly any of them managed to do so.

Twentieth-century casualties are the product of such ideologies. In the name of the free market, development, peace, and human rights, each ideology has violated all the above-mentioned concepts.

All these ideologies are common in the agenda: THEY WORK FOR the GREATER GOOD…Unfortunately, their greater good does not resemble ALBUS DUMBLEDORE.


Hitler on 25 October 1936, Wikimedia

Even Nazism worked for the greater good of humanity, or it was claimed so. Their ideology was inspired by Evolution.

Their mission was even more significant than socialism and capitalism. They were working for the entire society for the survival of homo sapiens, a disguise for blood-worship.

Hitler and his devotees were devout believers in Evolution and that the fittest had to survive.

For the smooth evolution process, the human race had to be purified, and Aryans were better, according to them, physically, mentally, and intellectually.

A Nazi cartoon of 1933. Hitler is presented as a sculptor who creates the superman. A bespectacled liberal intellectual is appalled by the violence needed to create the superman. (Note also the erotic glorification of the human body.) Source: A brief history of Homo Sapiens (Yuval Noah Harrari)

The religion of Nazis was the worship of humanity, and done everything for their survival and evolution, just like the crusades.

They worshiped humanity and believed that the evolutionary process had to be encouraged for the survival of the human race; the Aryan race should not interbreed with blacks or Jews because of their inferiority and intermingling of polluted genes.

So Nazis were on a sacred crusade for all humanity, for the evolution of the Aryan race into superior beings and degeneration of others.

As the Nazi book of Biology 5th grade explain their cause,

The book discusses evolution and genetics by giving examples of various animals and propagating their propaganda effectively,

We have established that all creatures, plants as well as animals, are in a constant battle for survival.We have seen that the laws of nature are built on a struggle for survival. Mankind, too, is subject to these natural laws, and has won its dominant position through struggle. Those who do not do so are unsuitable for the more refined, yet just as relentless, nature of our struggle for life and will perish. Our Führer tells us:

He who wants to live must fight, and he who does not want to fight in this world of perpetual struggle does not deserve to live!”

All living creatures that succeed in the struggle for survival are not satisfied merely with existence, but seek to preserve their species as well. Here, too, is a drive that corresponds to natural law. Without this drive, species would long since have vanished.

Among all living creatures, we can see a further natural law: the production of numerous offspring. Nowhere on earth do we find a form of life that produces only one or two offspring (corresponding to the number of the parents). That would inevitably lead to extinction. The elephant has the longest period of procreation, from its 30th to 90th year. It brings about six offspring into the world. A scientist has calculated that even with this slow rate of reproduction, in the absence of the struggle for survival elephants would take over the entire world in a few hundred years. A single pair would produce 19 million descendants in 750 years. The struggle for survival leads most to perish. The blue titmouse has two broods of 10–13 a year, but their number is not increasing. The more threatened a creature is in the struggle for survival, the more offspring it must produce. The greater number of offspring is a necessary means of responding to the hard struggle for survival. Each habitat can disappear from one day to the next (arrival of a new predator, disappearance of a food source).

History provides us with enough examples to prove that mankind, too, is under this law. In the midst of their prosperity, the Romans lost the desire to have children. They sinned against the law of maintaining the species. Their state was undermined and overcome by foreign peoples in a short time. The ethnic traits of the Romans thus vanished. Our nation, too, once hung in the balance. National Socialism restored to the German people the will to have children, and preserved our people from certain decline, which would have been inevitable under the law of species and the law of the greater number of offspring.

Here, too, we can recall the Führer’s words:

Marriage, too, cannot be an end in itself, but rather it must have the larger goal of increasing and maintaining the species and the race. That only is its meaning and its task. (Mein Kampf,p. 275)

The goal of female education must be to prepare them for motherhood. (Mein Kampf,p. 460)

If a person acts against the general interest, he is an enemy of the people and will be punished by the law (Principle 4). A look at our history proves that we as a people must defend our territory to preserve our existence.

The world does not exist for cowardly nations. (Mein Kampf,p. 105)

The instinctual state of the ants corresponds to the leadership state among mankind; however, the principles of a perfect insect state give people cause to think. They have preserved bees and ants in the struggle for survival and thereby proved their validity. We earlier noted the following truths about ants:

The work of the individual has only one purpose: to serve the whole group.

Major accomplishments are possible only by the division of labor.

Each bee risks its life without hesitation for the whole.

Individuals who are not useful or are harmful to the whole are eliminated.

The species is maintained by producing a large number of offspring.

These natural laws are incontrovertible; living creatures demonstrate them by their very survival. They are unforgiving. Those who resist them will be wiped out. Biology not only tells us about animals and plants, but also shows us the laws we must follow in our lives, and steels our wills to live and fight according to these laws. The meaning of all life is struggle. Woe to him who sins against this law:

The person who attempts to fight the iron logic of nature thereby fights the principles he must thank for his life as a human being. To fight against nature is to bring about one’s own destruction. (Mein Kampf,p. 314).

The Book Mein Kampf’s ‘My Struggle’ written by Adolf Hitler can be presented as the Nazi bible. The noble cause cost 40000000 lives, but Hitler not only dug his own grave but also racial scientific theories.


Photo by Robert Schöller on Unsplash

Nationalism is indulged and praised in the world more than any religion and has caused wars and catastrophes that even crusades and jihads failed to yield.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip due to his nationalistic sentiments later proved unhealthy for his own Serbian nation, ultimately causing world war 1.

Britain’s spirit of nationalism and white man superiority gave them the reason to exploit other countries in the name of free trade and liberal values. The poem white man burden explains their hitherto.

Take up the White Man’s burden —

Send forth the best ye breed —

Go bind your sons to exile

To serve your captives’ need;

To wait in heavy harness,

On fluttered folk and wild —

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half-devil and half-child.

The poem tells the burden of the white man and their responsibility to civilize and develop other nations during Britain’s empire.

So they civilized Indians, ottomans, Arabs, and Africans. At what cost? You all know better. And the map is also telling us at what cost they civilized the entire world.

The United Kingdom and its accompanying British Overseas Territories are underlined in red. Image by Wikimedia

Similarly, nationalism was bolstered in Germany after the formation of 26 German-speaking states.

The leaders of post-1871 raised nationalist feelings with the artistic contributions of Goeth’s poetry and Richard Wagner’s music.

The nationalist psycho’s like Kaiser Wilhelm II fostered his nations with great Germans ideology and their right to rule the world and sow the seeds for Hitler.

As the primary opponent was Britain, so they turned against each other leading to world war 1.

Separate Alliances of Germany and UK, Wikimedia.

The same nationalist ideologies are used by Americans and Britain to invade Iraq.

As in the words of the Bush, to defend the world from grave danger and liberate the oppressed people there.

However, later proved that the war was not to eliminate the weapons of mass destruction, but the fight was for regime change and oil that further oppressed Iraq’s people.

The promise of freedom is not accomplished in the Middle East or Afghanistan.


Photo by Dmitry Demidko on Unsplash

The most popular and successful mode of living or religion of the twentieth century is capitalism.

The Elma of capitalism is growth, the growth in the future through increasing investment in productive activities.

The faith presented by Adam smith narrates that the ancient mode of production limits our ability to increase growth and profit.

With the help of credit, we can increase the growth of the whole economic world by funding science, entrepreneurs, and productive activities that will generate more production per capita.

Yet everyone is not sure whether the profit generated will be reinvested in production.

What if, instead of distributing wealth to society, the market monopoly exploits workers?

What if the products are generated by exploitative means and distributed unequally?


Capitalism was responsible for the colonial and imperialism of Europe as it was invented by them. The devout followers of capitalism not only build companies but empires in the name of free trade.

Have you imagined companies with military and generals? YES, THESE WERE THE GIFTS OF CAPITALISM TOO.

Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, VOC

Jan van Riebeeck, the founder of Cape Town, Wikimedia

Created from 1602 to 1800, VOC was the dutch company to explore and trade.

This same lust for growth and profit caused the advent of VOC, which was established due to Spain’s and Portuguese competitiveness.

The company brought the goods from India, China, and Indonesia and fought local Europeans, whoever came in the way of their profit.

This profit causes the even to massacre the English rivals, such as Amboyna Massacre. And it was the wealthiest company the world had ever seen, with 50000 years, 10000 soldiers, 40 warships, and 150 merchant ships.

The company engaged in the Banda massacre, Batavia massacre, and Lamey island massacre, causing the deaths of millions.

East India Company

Robert Clive at the Battle of Plassey, Wikimedia

Similarly, E\ast India company was founded for the exploitation of overseas. The appetite for growth and eastern spices, jewelry, and goods bought the company into existence as the England economy was running due to other exploitation's.

The emergence of fashion and consumerism culture developed in Britain with the imported (OH! Exploited) cotton from India.

To retain progress, the company intended to change from a company to an empire to avoid taxes.

The Nawab was angry with east India company because of their tax thefts. However, Robert Clive, the military commander of Bengal, had planned the whole mechanism of stealing.

He personally did deals with ministers and bank managers, so the Bengal soldiers refused to fight and were able Robert to transport the company into a group of colonizers.

The company not only looted India but also China and other African countries.

Another gift of capitalism and imperialism to china was the opium war in 1840.

The company traded opium to china on black markets in exchange for tea. China anciently sold tea in exchange for silver. However, Britain couldn’t do that because has it given profit to anyone?

So the company traded opium through black markets in china in exchange for tea. However, when millions of Chinese became addicts and were economically and socially devastated.

The Chinese imposed a ban on opium. Receiving the threat of billions, Britain declared war on china for banning harmful drugs in their country, exposing Britain’s liberal views also.

Atlantic Slave trade

Image from Wikimedia

In the name of a free market, European merchants built colonies in America to generate sugar and transport them throughout Europe.

The Europeans who rarely ate sugar in the seventeenth century became a household essential in Europe and the whole world.

New products, such as cake, chocolate, tea, and others, were generated.

But nobody knows that the sugar they ate had arrived through a notorious cycle that was established in America to Africa.

The growing canes and sugar production went high, but the labor cost was not profitable. So merchants found another way. THE TRANSPORTATION OF LESS HUMANE AND CIVILIZED PEOPLE (according to them), AFRICAN SLAVES. What a joke!

The Merchants of Europe created a cycle of transporting enslaved people to Europe, mainly to America, to work in rice fields, cotton factories, silver and gold mines, sugar and coca plantations, and other costly labor.

The slave trade helped the European empire to build production cheaply and run the capitalist economy concerning profit and growth.

According to partus sequitur ventrem, the children of slaves were also slaves, so the process became so economical that the whole of Europe joined hands in it.

According to historian Elikia M’bokolo,

Four million enslaved people were exported via the Red Sea, another four million through the Swahili ports of the Indian Ocean, perhaps as many as nine million along the trans-Saharan caravan route, and eleven to twenty million (depending on the author) across the Atlantic Ocean.

The Specie that became God

Image by Pixabay

Like all religions, these humane religions may lose their influence; however, their impact of them on our earth and masses may be even worse than others.

Long ago, Socialism emerged and was the talk of the town and soon collapsed; it flourished somewhere and somewhere it didn’t work.

The new world order emerging, in my sense, is globalism where all things will be revolved around our planet and its resources to stop them go deprived, so the capitalist system will keep running.

However, during this process, humanity should not be neglected. By humanity, I refer to each and all……..

Because in the words of Voltaire,

I might disagree with your opinion, but I am willing to give my life for your right to express it.




A Freelance writer from the heart who loves writing about history and books.